Conversion Rate Optimization and Applied UX Research


Learn how to increase website revenues using a pragmatic blend of research tools and methods

Speaker:  Chris Callaghan
UX & Optimization Specialist, Independent Consultant

In the Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) world, data-driven decisions usually originate from web analytics and SaaS tools such as heatmaps and session replays. While these are helpful tools, overly relying on analytics and underutilizing other research methods means many optimizers only see a partial picture, and might not uncover the deeper reasons why website visitors don’t convert into customers. Similarly, relying only on qualitative methods can sometimes lead to a skewed understanding of how severe certain design problems are.

In this online seminar, we’ll discuss the common quantitative conversion research tools and methods, plus how to effectively leverage additional qualitative UX research methods—such as moderated usability testing and digital diary studies-- to form a richer understanding of visitors’ conversion blockers. With examples and case studies, we’ll showcase how to triangulate tools and chain methods as well as how to log and prioritize observations to feed the experimentation backlog as part of an ‘always-on’ conversion research program.

Topics Covered


  • Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

  • Why conversion research matters

  • Understanding barriers to conversion

Research methods

  • Common conversion research tools and methods

  • Underutilized and unconventional methods

  • Tool triangulation and method chaining

Conversion research management

  • Atomic research

  • Observation logging

  • Prioritization frameworks

Conversion research strategy

  • Where to start

  • Gaining buy-in

  • Stakeholder engagement

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About the Speaker
Chris is a UX & Optimization Specialist with over 15 years of industry experience across agencies and start-ups. He is a full-stack UX practitioner and conducts user research, design, testing, and conversion rate optimization. Over the years, he has gained hundreds of user exposure hours from usability testing live sites, mobile apps, and prototypes in a range of sectors, with a particular focus on e-commerce.

Chris has recently achieved NN/g UX Master Certification, mentors others through several organizations, and has delivered two NN/g Online Seminars.

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Online Seminar

1 hour
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Streamable video + PDF of slides
Valid for
1 person (or conference room)
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Conversion Rate Optimization and Applied UX Research
